Comprehensive Guide to Phone Numbers in Antigua and Barbuda

Quick Reference

  • Country: Antigua and Barbuda
  • Country Code: +1
  • International Prefix: 011
  • National Prefix: 1
  • Area Code: 268


Antigua and Barbuda is part of the North American Numbering Plan (NANP). This guide is essential for telecom professionals, developers, and anyone involved in telecommunications within or with Antigua and Barbuda. It covers phone number structures, dialing procedures, and regulatory information, ensuring you stay informed and compliant.

Number Formats

General Number Structure

Antigua and Barbuda phone numbers follow the NANP format, comprising a three-digit area code and a seven-digit subscriber number.

  • Format: +1 268 NXX-XXXX
    • Country Code: +1
    • Area Code: 268
    • Subscriber Number: NXX-XXXX (where N is 2-9 and X is 0-9)

Landline Numbers

Landline numbers typically follow this structure:

  • Format: +1 268 46X XXXX
    • Country Code: +1
    • Area Code: 268
    • Prefix: 46X (X can be 0-9)
    • Subscriber Number: XXXX


  • +1 268 462 1234
  • +1 268 463 5678

Mobile Numbers

Mobile numbers often start with 464, 7XX, or 5XX.

  • Format: +1 268 NXX XXXX
    • Country Code: +1
    • Area Code: 268
    • Prefix: 464, 7XX, 5XX
    • Subscriber Number: XXXX


  • +1 268 464 7890
  • +1 268 728 3456

Toll-Free Numbers

Toll-free numbers are part of the NANP and follow this format:

  • Format: 1 800 XXX XXXX
    • Country Code: +1
    • Toll-Free Code: 800
    • Subscriber Number: XXX XXXX


  • 1 800 234 5678
  • 1 800 876 5432

Premium Rate Numbers

Premium rate numbers start with 900.

  • Format: 1 900 XXX XXXX
    • Country Code: +1
    • Premium Rate Code: 900
    • Subscriber Number: XXX XXXX


  • 1 900 234 5678
  • 1 900 876 5432

Dialing Procedures

Domestic Calls

  • Landline to Landline: Dial 1 + 268 + NXX XXXX
  • Landline to Mobile: Dial 1 + 268 + NXX XXXX
  • Mobile to Mobile: Dial 1 + 268 + NXX XXXX

International Calls

  • Outgoing: Dial 011 + Country Code + Area Code + Subscriber Number
    • Example: To call the United States: 011 + 1 + Area Code + Subscriber Number
  • Incoming: Dial +1 268 NXX XXXX

Regular Expressions for Number Validation

Use these regular expressions to validate phone numbers in Antigua and Barbuda:

  • General Number:
  • Landline:
  • Mobile:
  • Toll-Free:
  • Premium Rate:

Number Portability

Antigua and Barbuda supports Mobile Number Portability (MNP), allowing users to change service providers without altering their phone numbers. This enhances customer retention and promotes competitive market conditions.

Major Telecom Operators

Digicel Antigua & Barbuda

  • Number Ranges: 464 XXXX, 5XX XXXX

Flow (formerly Cable & Wireless)

  • Number Ranges: 462 XXXX, 463 XXXX, 7XX XXXX

Regulatory Body

The Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) oversees the numbering plan in Antigua and Barbuda. They manage number allocations, implement number portability, and ensure compliance with ITU-T recommendations.

ITU-T Recommendations

Antigua and Barbuda's numbering plan aligns with ITU-T Recommendation E.164, ensuring global interoperability in telecommunications.

Number Allocation and Management

The TRC manages number allocation, assigning blocks to telecom operators based on demand and regulatory guidelines. They ensure efficient and fair use of numbering resources.

Technical Restrictions and Special Cases

  • Golden Numbers: Certain premium numbers may be reserved or auctioned by the TRC.
  • Number Blocking: Specific ranges may be blocked for regulatory reasons or to prevent fraud.

Technical Considerations for Developers

  • Normalization: Store phone numbers in E.164 format (+1 268 NXX XXXX) for system consistency.
  • Validation: Use the provided regular expressions to validate numbers before processing.
  • Portability: Consider number portability implications in systems using phone numbers for identification.

For the latest telecommunications regulations in Antigua and Barbuda, visit the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) official website.