Phone Numbers in Armenia

Quick Reference

  • Country: Armenia
  • Country Code: +374
  • International Prefix: 00
  • National Prefix: 0


Armenia's telephone numbering system is overseen by the Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC) of Armenia. This comprehensive guide explores the structure of Armenian phone numbers, including formats for geographic, mobile, and special service numbers, as well as dialing procedures for both domestic and international calls. This information is essential for telecom professionals, developers, and anyone dealing with Armenian phone numbers.

Number Formats

General Number Structure

Armenian phone numbers are organized as follows:

  • Country Code: +374
  • National (Significant) Number: 8 to 9 digits
    • Area/City Code: 2 to 3 digits
    • Subscriber Number: 5 to 6 digits

Detailed Number Formats

Geographic (Landline)0[1-25]XXXXXX010123456Landline numbers in Yerevan start with 010, other regions use 3-digit codes.
Toll-Free800XXXXX80012345Toll-free numbers start with 800 and are 8 digits long.
Premium Rate90[016]XXXXX90012345Premium rate numbers start with 900, 901, or 906 and are 8 digits long.
Shared Cost80[1-4]XXXXX80112345Shared cost numbers start with 801-804 and are 8 digits long.

Regular Expressions for Number Validation

Here are some regular expressions for validating Armenian phone numbers:

// Geographic (Landline)

// Mobile

// Toll-Free

// Premium Rate

// Shared Cost

Dialing Procedures

Domestic Calls

  • Landline to Landline: Dial the full national number, including the area code. Example: 010XXXXXX.
  • Landline to Mobile: Dial the mobile number directly, including the prefix. Example: 093XXXXXX.
  • Mobile to Mobile: Dial the mobile number directly, including the prefix. Example: 093XXXXXX.

International Calls

  • Outgoing: Dial 00 followed by the country code, area code, and subscriber number. Example: 00 1 XXX XXX XXXX for the USA.
  • Incoming: International callers should dial +374 followed by the national number (excluding the leading 0). Example: +374 10XXXXXX for a Yerevan landline.

Number Portability

Armenia supports Mobile Number Portability (MNP), allowing users to keep their mobile numbers when switching operators. This is managed by the PSRC, ensuring a smooth transition for consumers.

Major Telecom Operators and Number Ranges

Armenia's telecom market features several key operators:

OperatorMobile PrefixesFixed-Line Prefixes
Viva-MTS093, 094, 077N/A
Beeline Armenia091, 096, 099010 (Yerevan), 011
Ucom095, 098, 041015, 016

ITU Recommendations

Armenia's numbering plan aligns with ITU-T Recommendation E.164, ensuring global telecommunications compatibility.

Number Allocation and Management

The PSRC manages the allocation and distribution of phone numbers in Armenia, ensuring compliance with international standards.

Technical Restrictions and Special Cases

  • Golden Numbers: Armenia lacks a formal system for "golden" numbers, though they may be available through special arrangements.
  • Number Blocking: Certain ranges may be blocked for security or regulatory reasons, especially in premium rate services.

Technical Considerations

For developers and system administrators working with Armenian phone numbers:

  1. Validation: Use provided regex for number validation.
  2. Formatting: Implement rules to add correct prefixes.
  3. Portability: Account for mobile number portability.
  4. Internationalization: Ensure correct handling of international dialing formats.

For the latest telecommunications regulations in Armenia, visit the PSRC's official website.
