Comprehensive Guide to Åland Islands Phone Numbers

Quick Reference

  • Country: Åland Islands
  • Country Code: +358
  • International Prefix: 00 or 99
  • National Prefix: 0


This guide provides an in-depth look at the Åland Islands' telephone numbering system, covering number formats, dialing procedures, and telecom regulations. Essential for telecom professionals, developers, and businesses engaging with the Åland Islands.

Number Formats

General Number Structure

Phone numbers in the Åland Islands are structured based on service type, such as landline, mobile, or toll-free. Below is a typical format breakdown:

Landline18[1-8]X{3,6}18118036, 18118636
Mobile4946X{2,6} or 4[0-8]X{4,8} or 50X{4,8}494632648, 4050448
Toll-Free800X{4,6}800046, 800246
Premium Rate[67]00X{5,6}676700156, 6700156

Regular Expressions for Number Validation

Developers can use the following regex patterns to validate Åland Islands phone numbers:

# Landline Numbers

# Mobile Numbers

# Toll-Free Numbers

# Premium Rate Numbers

Detailed Number Structure

  • Country Code: +358 (shared with Finland)
  • Area Code: 18 (specific to Åland Islands)
  • Subscriber Number Length: 4 to 8 digits, varying by service type
  • Special Prefixes:
    • Mobile: Start with 4 or 50
    • Toll-Free: Start with 800
    • Premium Rate: Start with 600 or 700

Dialing Procedures

Domestic Calls

  • Landline to Landline: Dial 0 + area code 18 + subscriber number.
  • Landline to Mobile: Dial 0 + mobile number.
  • Mobile to Mobile: Dial the mobile number directly.

International Calls

  • Outgoing: Dial 00 or 99 + country code + area code + subscriber number.
  • Incoming: Dial +358 + area code 18 + local number (omit leading 0).

Example Dialing Scenarios

  • Calling from Åland Islands to Sweden: 00 46 XXXXXXXXXX
  • Calling from Sweden to Åland Islands: +358 18 XXXXXXX

Number Portability

Number portability is available in the Åland Islands, allowing users to keep their mobile numbers when switching operators. For more information, visit the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom) website.

Major Telecom Operators and Number Ranges

OperatorNumber RangeService
Ålcom18XXXX, 4946XXXXLandline, Mobile

Note: Number ranges may change due to regulatory updates.

ITU-T Standards and Recommendations

The Åland Islands comply with ITU-T E.164 and other international standards, ensuring global consistency in dialing procedures.

Number Allocation and Management

The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom) oversees number allocation and management in the Åland Islands, ensuring compliance with ITU standards.

Technical Restrictions and Special Cases

  • Golden Numbers: Available at a premium through telecom operators.
  • Number Blocking: Some services, like premium-rate numbers, may be blocked by default.

Technical Considerations for Developers

When integrating Åland Islands phone numbers into systems, consider:

  • Validation: Use regex patterns for accurate validation.
  • Normalization: Store numbers in E.164 format (+35818XXXXXX) for consistency.
  • Portability: Ensure systems can handle number portability, especially for mobile numbers.

For the latest telecom regulations in Åland Islands, visit the Traficom website.