Phone Numbers in Saint Barthélemy: Formats and Dialing Rules

Quick Reference

  • Country: Saint Barthélemy
  • Country Code: +590
  • International Prefix: 00
  • National Prefix: 0


Saint Barthélemy's phone numbering system is integrated with the French Overseas Departments' plan. This guide is essential for telecom professionals, developers, and system administrators who require precise information on the region's phone number formats and dialing procedures.

Numbering Plan Structure

General Number Structure

  • Country Code: +590
  • National Significant Number (NSN): 9 digits
  • Format: 590X XXXX XXX

Landline Numbers

  • Format: 590 27XXXXXX to 590 39XXXXXX
  • Structure:
    • Prefix: 27 to 39
    • Subscriber Number: 6 digits
  • Example: 590 27567890

Mobile Numbers

  • Format: 690 XX XX XXX
  • Structure:
    • Prefix: 690
    • Subscriber Number: 6 digits
  • Example: 690 123456

Special Services (Toll-Free, Premium)

  • Toll-Free Numbers: 080X XXX XXX
    • Prefix: 080
    • Subscriber Number: 6 digits
    • Example: 0800 123456
  • Premium Rate Numbers: 089X XXX XXX
    • Prefix: 089
    • Subscriber Number: 6 digits
    • Example: 0899 123456

Number Formats Table

General590X XXXX XXX5906 1234567
Landline590 27XXXXXX590 27567890
Mobile690 XX XX XXX690 123456
Toll-Free080X XXX XXX0800 123456
Premium Rate089X XXX XXX0899 123456

Regular Expressions for Number Validation

  • General Format:
  • Landline Numbers:
  • Mobile Numbers:
  • Toll-Free Numbers:
  • Premium Rate Numbers:

Dialing Procedures

Domestic Calls

  • Landline to Landline: Dial the 9-digit number directly (e.g., 590 27567890).
  • Landline to Mobile: Dial the 9-digit mobile number (e.g., 690 123456).
  • Mobile to Mobile: Dial the 9-digit mobile number (e.g., 690 123456).

International Calls

  • Outgoing: Dial 00 (international prefix) + 590 (country code) + the 9-digit NSN.
    • Example: To call a number in France from Saint Barthélemy, dial 00 33 XXXXXXXXX.
  • Incoming: From abroad, dial +590 followed by the 9-digit NSN.
    • Example: From the USA to Saint Barthélemy, dial 011 590 27567890.

Number Portability

  • Mobile Number Portability (MNP): Available, allowing users to retain their numbers when switching providers.

Telecom Operators and Number Ranges

The primary telecom operators in Saint Barthélemy include:

  • Orange Caraïbe
  • SFR Caraïbe

Regulatory Information

Number Allocation and Management

  • Number Allocation: Managed by ARCEP, overseeing number resources.
  • Special Cases: Golden numbers may have specific allocation rules or fees.

Technical Considerations for Developers

  1. Validation: Use the provided regex patterns for number validation.
  2. Portability: Ensure systems support MNP for seamless provider changes.
  3. Internationalization: Properly format and route international calls.

For the latest telecom regulations in Saint Barthélemy, visit the official ARCEP website.


Understanding Saint Barthélemy's phone numbering plan is vital for seamless communication and system integration. By adhering to the guidelines and technical details provided, professionals can ensure compliance and optimize operations within the region.