Phone Numbers in the Republic of the Congo

Quick Reference

  • Country: Republic of the Congo
  • Country Code: +242
  • International Prefix: 00
  • National Prefix: None


This comprehensive guide details the telephone numbering plan in the Republic of the Congo. It includes number structures, dialing procedures, and key information for telecom professionals and developers working with the country's telecommunication systems.

Number Formats

General Number Structure

The Republic of the Congo uses a fixed phone number format across landline, mobile, and special services:

  • Country Code: +242
  • Subscriber Number Length: 9 digits

Landline Numbers

Landline numbers follow this format:

  • Format: 222[1-5][0-9]{5}
  • Example: 2221158975


  • 222: Fixed prefix for landline services.
  • [1-5]: Next digit range.
  • [0-9]5: Remaining 5 digits of the subscriber number.

Mobile Numbers

Mobile numbers are structured as follows:

  • Format: 06[1-5][0-9]{6} or 07[0-9]{7}
  • Example: 0612345678, 0712345678


  • 06: Prefix for older networks.
  • 07: Prefix for newer networks.
  • [1-5]: Next digit range in older numbers.
  • [0-9]-1: Remaining digits.

Premium Rate Numbers

Premium rate numbers follow this format:

  • Format: 80[0-2][0-9]{6}
  • Example: 80001234


  • 80: Prefix for premium services.
  • [0-2]: Next digit range.
  • [0-9]6: Remaining digits.

Number Format Table

Service TypeFormatExample
Mobile (Old Prefix)06[1-5][0-9]60612345678
Mobile (New Prefix)07[0-9]70712345678
Premium Rate80[0-2][0-9]680001234

Dialing Procedures

Domestic Calls

  • Landline to Landline: Dial the 9-digit number directly.
  • Landline to Mobile: Dial the 9-digit mobile number directly.
  • Mobile to Mobile: Dial the 9-digit mobile number directly.

International Calls

  • Outgoing: Dial 00 + country code + subscriber number.
    • Example: To call France: 00 33 1 23456789
  • Incoming: Dial +242 followed by the 9-digit local number.

Number Portability

Currently, mobile number portability (MNP) is not available in the Republic of the Congo. Subscribers cannot retain their mobile numbers when changing operators.

Telecom Operators and Number Ranges

Major Operators

  • MTN Congo:
    • Mobile Prefixes: 06, 07
  • Airtel Congo:
    • Mobile Prefixes: 06, 07
  • Congo Telecom:
    • Landline Prefix: 222

Regulatory Body

The Agence de Régulation des Postes et des Communications Électroniques (ARPCE) oversees telecommunications in the Republic of the Congo. For updates, visit the ARPCE Official Website.

Number Allocation and Management

ARPCE manages number allocation, ensuring compliance with the national numbering plan, including special and premium rate numbers.

Technical Restrictions and Special Cases

  • Golden Numbers: No public information on golden number allocation.
  • Number Blocking: No specific restrictions reported.

Technical Considerations for Developers

When integrating Republic of the Congo phone numbers into systems, consider:

  • Validation Regex:


    This pattern matches valid numbers.

  • International Formatting:

    • Ensure +242 is correctly prefixed.
  • Length Checks:

    • Validate numbers have 9 digits post-country code.

For the latest telecom regulations, visit the ARPCE Official Website.


  1. ITU - National Numbering Plans - Official country codes and numbering plans.
  2. ARPCE Official Website - Republic of the Congo's telecom regulatory authority.