Phone Numbers in the Faroe Islands

Quick Reference

  • Country: Faroe Islands
  • Country Code: +298
  • International Prefix: 00
  • National Prefix: None
  • Regulatory Authority: Faroese Telecom


Discover the detailed telephone numbering plan of the Faroe Islands. This guide is essential for telecom professionals, developers, and systems administrators to understand phone number structures, dialing procedures, and technical considerations in this region.

Number Formats

General Number Structure

All phone numbers in the Faroe Islands are six digits long. The numbering plan does not differentiate between geographic and non-geographic numbers, but specific prefixes identify different service types.

Number Structure Breakdown

General Numbers[2-9]\d{5}234567Covers all general numbers, including landlines and mobile.
Landline Numbers[2-4]\d{5}203456Typically used for fixed-line services.
Mobile Numbers[5-9]\d{5}512345Allocated to mobile services.
Toll-Free Numbers80[257-9]\d{3}802579Reserved for toll-free services.
Premium Rate Numbers90[13-5][15-7]\d{2}901315Used for premium-rate services.

Regular Expressions for Validation

  • General Numbers:

  • Landline Numbers:

  • Mobile Numbers:

  • Toll-Free Numbers:

  • Premium Rate Numbers:


Dialing Procedures

Domestic Dialing

  • Landline to Landline: Dial the 6-digit number directly.
  • Landline to Mobile: Dial the 6-digit mobile number directly.
  • Mobile to Mobile: Dial the 6-digit mobile number directly.

International Dialing

  • Outgoing International Calls: Dial 00 followed by the country code, area code (if applicable), and the subscriber number.

    Example: To call a number in Denmark, dial 00 45 XXX XXX XXX.

  • Incoming International Calls: Callers from outside the Faroe Islands should dial +298 followed by the 6-digit local number.

    Example: A caller from the UK would dial +298 234567.

Number Portability

  • Mobile Number Portability: Available in the Faroe Islands, allowing users to retain their mobile numbers when switching between service providers. Managed by Faroese Telecom.

Major Telecom Operators

OperatorNumber Ranges
Faroese Telecom2XXXX, 3XXXX, 5XXXX
Vodafone Faroe Islands6XXXX, 9XXXX

ITU-T Recommendations

The Faroe Islands adhere to the ITU-T E.164 standard for international telecommunication numbering, ensuring global compatibility and consistency.

Number Allocation and Management

The numbering plan is managed by Faroese Telecom, responsible for the allocation and regulation of phone numbers, ensuring compliance with both domestic and international standards.

Technical Restrictions and Special Cases

  • Golden Numbers: No specific regulations in the Faroe Islands.
  • Number Blocking: Can be implemented at user or operator level; no inherent technical restrictions.

Technical Considerations for Developers

  1. Number Validation: Use regex-based validation for the 6-digit format.
  2. Internationalization: Ensure systems handle the +298 country code correctly.
  3. Portability Handling: Ensure compatibility with number portability regulations.
  4. Prefix Detection: Implement logic to route calls based on number prefix.

For the most up-to-date information on telecommunications regulations in the Faroe Islands, visit the official Faroese Telecom website.