Comprehensive Guide to Phone Numbers in Indonesia

Quick Reference

  • Country: Indonesia
  • Country Code: +62
  • International Prefix: 00
  • National Prefix: 0


This guide offers an in-depth look at Indonesia's telephone numbering system, covering number formats, dialing procedures, and regulatory guidelines. It's designed for telecom professionals, developers, and business users who need to understand and implement Indonesian phone number formats effectively.

Number Formats

General Number Structure

Indonesia's phone numbers vary by service type, including geographic, mobile, and toll-free services. Below is a breakdown of common formats:

Premium Rate809X{7}8091234567
Shared Cost804X{7}8041234567

Geographic Numbers (Landline)

  • Format: 2[1-9]X{7,8}
  • Example: 0212345678 (Jakarta)

Mobile Numbers

  • Format: 8[1-9]X{7,10}
  • Example: 81234567890

Toll-Free Numbers

  • Format: 001[7|803]X{6,7}
  • Example: 0018031234567

Premium Rate Numbers

  • Format: 809X{7}
  • Example: 8091234567

Shared Cost Numbers

  • Format: 804X{7}
  • Example: 8041234567

Dialing Rules

Domestic Calls

  • Landline to Landline: Dial 0 + area code + subscriber number.
    • Example: 0212345678
  • Landline to Mobile: Dial 0 + mobile number.
    • Example: 081234567890
  • Mobile to Mobile: Dial the mobile number directly.
    • Example: 081234567890

International Calls

  • Outgoing: Dial 00 + country code + area code + subscriber number.
    • Example (to the US): 0011234567890
  • Incoming: Dial +62 + local number (omit leading 0).
    • Example: +6281234567890

Number Portability

Since 2015, Indonesia supports mobile number portability (MNP), allowing users to keep their numbers when changing service providers. This applies to both mobile and fixed-line numbers.

Major Telecom Operators and Number Ranges

OperatorNumber RangeType
Telkom Indonesia021, 022, 031, etc.Geographic
XL Axiata0817, 0818, 0819Mobile
Indosat Ooredoo0855, 0856, 0857Mobile
Smartfren0881, 0882, 0883Mobile

ITU-T Recommendations

Indonesia's numbering plan complies with ITU-T Recommendation E.164, ensuring global compatibility of telephone networks through standardized numbering formats.

Number Allocation and Management

The Indonesian Communications and Information Ministry (Kemenkominfo) oversees the allocation and management of phone numbers. For the latest regulations, visit their official website.

Technical Considerations

Regular Expressions for Validation

  • Geographic: ^2[1-9]\d{7,8}$
  • Mobile: ^8[1-9]\d{7,10}$
  • Toll-Free: ^001(7|803)\d{6,7}$
  • Premium Rate: ^809\d{7}$
  • Shared Cost: ^804\d{7}$

Number Blocking and Golden Numbers

While Indonesia doesn't officially designate "golden numbers," certain numbers may be reserved for special services. Number blocking is managed by operators under Kemenkominfo regulations.

Note: For the most current telecommunications regulations in Indonesia, consult the Indonesian Communications and Information Ministry.


Indonesia's telephone numbering system is designed to meet international standards and the needs of its population. Understanding its structure and dialing rules is crucial for effective communication both locally and internationally. This guide provides essential technical details for telecom professionals and developers to ensure compliance and optimal performance when handling Indonesian phone numbers.