Understanding Phone Numbers in North Korea


Discover the intricacies of North Korea's telephone numbering system. Managed by the Korea Post and Telecommunications Corporation (KPTC), this centralized system follows the ITU-T E.164 standard. This guide is essential for telecom professionals, developers, and systems administrators seeking detailed insights into North Korean phone numbers.

Quick Reference

  • Country: North Korea
  • Country Code: +850
  • International Prefix: 00 (primary), 99 (secondary)
  • National Prefix: 0

Number Structure

North Korean phone numbers are structured with a country code, area or city codes, and subscriber numbers.

General Number Structure

  • Country Code: +850
  • Area Code: 2-7 (for landlines)
  • Subscriber Number: 6-7 digits
  • Mobile Prefixes: 191-193

Number Format Examples

TypeExample NumberFormat Description
Landline+850 2 123456+850 (Country Code) 2 (Area Code) 123456 (Subscriber Number)
Mobile+850 191 1234567+850 (Country Code) 191 (Mobile Prefix) 1234567 (Subscriber Number)
Special Services+850 99 1234567+850 (Country Code) 99 (Secondary Prefix) 1234567 (Subscriber Number)

Regular Expressions (Regex)

To validate North Korean phone numbers programmatically, use these regex patterns:

  • Landline: ^\(\+850\)(2|3|4|5|6|7)(\d{6})$
  • Mobile: ^\(\+850\)(191|192|193)(\d{7})$
  • Special Services: ^\(\+850\)(99)(\d{7})$

Dialing Procedures

Domestic Calls

  • Landline to Landline: Dial 0 + area code + subscriber number.
  • Landline to Mobile: Dial 0 + mobile prefix + subscriber number.
  • Mobile to Mobile: Dial mobile prefix + subscriber number.

International Calls

  • Outgoing: Dial 00 or 99 + destination country code + local number.
  • Incoming: Dial +850 + area or mobile code + subscriber number (omit 0).

Number Allocation and Management

The KPTC manages North Korea's numbering plan under the Ministry of Communications, adhering to the ITU-T E.164 standard.

Major Telecom Operators

  • Korea Post and Telecommunications Corporation (KPTC): Sole operator for all communications.

Technical Considerations

Number Portability

  • Status: Not available. Numbers are fixed to specific operators and locations.

ITU-T Recommendations

  • Standard: Compliance with ITU-T E.164 for international dialing.

Special Cases

  • Golden Numbers: No public information available.
  • Number Blocking: Possible restrictions on certain numbers or international calls.

Recent or Upcoming Changes

No recent changes to the numbering plan. Updates are managed internally by KPTC.

For the latest telecommunications regulations in North Korea, consult the official KPTC website or ITU's documentation.


Understanding North Korea's telephone numbering system is vital for effective communication and integration. This guide provides the necessary technical details and procedures for working with North Korean phone numbers. For further information, refer to official sources or consult telecommunications experts familiar with the region.