Kazakhstan Phone Number Guide

Quick Facts

  • Country: Kazakhstan
  • Country Code: +7
  • International Prefix: 810
  • National Prefix: 8


Kazakhstan's telephone numbering follows the E.164 international standard, utilizing the country code +7. This guide is essential for telecom professionals, developers, and system administrators seeking comprehensive insights into Kazakhstan's phone number formats, dialing procedures, and regulatory updates.

Phone Number Formats

Kazakhstan's numbering system encompasses geographic, mobile, and special service numbers. Below is a detailed breakdown of these formats.

General Structure

  • Country Code: +7
  • National (Significant) Number: 10 digits
    • Area/City Code: 3 digits
    • Subscriber Number: 7 digits

Geographic Numbers (Landline)

Geographic+7 (Area Code) XXX-XXXX+7 727 123-4567

Regular Expression:


Mobile Numbers

Mobile+7 70X XXX-XXXX+7 701 123-4567
Mobile+7 77X XXX-XXXX+7 777 123-4567

Regular Expression:


Toll-Free Numbers

Toll-Free8 800 XXX-XXXX8 800 123-4567
Toll-Free8 800 108X XXX8 800 1081 234

Regular Expression:


Premium Rate Numbers

Premium Rate8 809 XXX-XXXX8 809 123-4567

Regular Expression:


Dialing Procedures

Domestic Calls

  • Landline to Landline: Dial the national prefix (8), area code, and subscriber number.
    • Example: 8 727 123-4567
  • Landline to Mobile: Dial the national prefix (8), mobile operator code, and subscriber number.
    • Example: 8 701 123-4567
  • Mobile to Mobile: Dial the mobile operator code directly, followed by the subscriber number.
    • Example: 701 123-4567

International Calls

  • Outgoing International Calls: Dial the international prefix (810), country code, area code, and subscriber number.
    • Example: 810 1 212 555-1234 (to the USA)
  • Incoming International Calls: Dial Kazakhstan's country code (+7), area code, and subscriber number.
    • Example: +7 727 123-4567

Recent and Upcoming Changes

Kazakhstan's numbering plan has evolved, notably with the allocation of number ranges distinct from Russia since June 11, 2006. The ITU has reserved code 997 for Kazakhstan, pending activation.

Number Portability

Kazakhstan supports mobile number portability (MNP), allowing users to switch providers without changing their numbers, fostering competitive telecom services.

Major Telecom Operators

OperatorMobile Prefixes
Kazakhtelecom JSC+7 701, +7 705
K-Mobile/Kartel+7 707, +7 747
Mobile Telecom Service+7 771, +7 776
KaR-Tel LLP+7 777, +7 775

Regulatory Authority

The Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulates the telecom sector, ensuring compliance with ITU-T standards.

Visit the Ministry of Transport and Communications for more information.

Technical Considerations for Developers

  • Validation: Utilize the provided regex patterns for phone number validation.
  • Formatting: Adhere to the E.164 standard for international formatting.
  • Portability: Implement features to manage number portability.
  • Prefix Handling: Recognize special prefixes for toll-free and premium numbers.

For the latest telecommunications regulations in Kazakhstan, refer to the official website of the national telecommunications authority.