Phone Numbers in the Netherlands

Quick Reference

  • Country: Netherlands
  • Country Code: +31
  • International Prefix: 00
  • National Prefix: 0


Discover the intricacies of the Dutch telephone numbering plan with this comprehensive guide. Learn about the structure, formats, and dialing procedures for various phone numbers, including landline, mobile, toll-free, and premium-rate numbers. This guide is invaluable for telecom professionals, developers, and anyone interested in understanding Dutch phone systems.

Number Formats

General Structure

Dutch phone numbers are organized as follows:

  • Country Code: +31
  • National Prefix: 0 (for domestic calls)
  • Area Code: Varies by region or service
  • Subscriber Number: Length varies by service type

Number Format Table

Type of NumberFormatExample
Premium Rate090[069]X{4,7}09061234

Geographic Numbers

  • Format: 0[1-9]X{7}
  • Example: 0201234567 (Amsterdam area code)

Mobile Numbers

  • Format: 06[1-58]X{7}
  • Example: 0612345678

Toll-Free Numbers

  • Format: 0800X{4,7}
  • Example: 08001234

Premium Rate Numbers

  • Format: 090[069]X{4,7}
  • Example: 09061234

Regular Expressions

Use these regular expressions to validate Dutch phone numbers:

  • Geographic: ^0[1-9]\d{7}$
  • Mobile: ^06[1-58]\d{7}$
  • Toll-Free: ^0800\d{4,7}$
  • Premium Rate: ^090[069]\d{4,7}$

Dialing Procedures

Domestic Calls

  • Landline to Landline: Dial 0 + Area Code + Subscriber Number (e.g., 0201234567).
  • Landline to Mobile: Dial 0 + Mobile Number (e.g., 0612345678).
  • Mobile to Mobile: Dial 0 + Mobile Number (e.g., 0612345678).
  • Mobile to Landline: Dial 0 + Area Code + Subscriber Number (e.g., 0201234567).

International Calls

  • Outgoing: Dial 00 + Country Code + Area Code (if applicable) + Subscriber Number (e.g., 0031201234567 to Amsterdam).
  • Incoming: Dial +31 + Area Code (if applicable) + Subscriber Number (e.g., +31201234567).

Number Portability

  • Mobile Number Portability: Available, allowing number retention when switching providers.
  • Fixed-Line Number Portability: Also available for landline numbers.

Major Telecom Operators

The Netherlands' major telecom operators include:

  • KPN: Offers a wide range of geographic and mobile numbers.
  • VodafoneZiggo: Primarily provides mobile numbers.
  • T-Mobile Netherlands: Focuses on mobile numbers.

ITU Standards and Recommendations

The Netherlands adheres to the ITU-T E.164 standard, which defines the international public telecommunication numbering plan.

Number Allocation and Management

Technical Restrictions and Special Cases

  • Golden Numbers: Special numbers available at a premium.
  • Number Blocking: Users can block specific numbers or types through their provider.

Technical Considerations

For Developers and Systems Administrators

  • Validation: Use the provided regular expressions to validate numbers in applications.
  • Formatting: Handle international formats (+31) correctly in systems.
  • Portability: Update systems to reflect changes in carrier information due to number portability.

For the latest telecommunications regulations in the Netherlands, visit the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) official website.