Peru Phone Numbers: Format, Area Code & Validation Guide
This guide provides a deep dive into Peruvian phone number formats, validation, and best practices for developers. We'll cover everything from the historical context of Peru's telecommunications system to practical implementation advice and future trends.
Peru's Telecommunications Landscape: A Brief History
Peru's telecommunications sector has undergone a dramatic transformation since the 1990s. Moving from a state-owned monopoly to a competitive market, the system is now regulated by OSIPTEL (Organismo Supervisor de Inversión Privada en Telecomunicaciones). Key milestones in this evolution include:
- 1994: Privatization of telecommunications begins, marking a shift towards a more open market. This involved the auctioning of state-owned companies CompañÃa Peruana de Teléfonos S.A. (CPT) and Entel Perú to Telefónica de España. Entel Perú was subsequently merged into CPT, which later became Telefónica del Perú S.A. (TdP).
- 2010: Mobile number portability (MNP) is implemented, empowering consumers to switch carriers while retaining their numbers. Initial implementation faced challenges with long porting times and complex procedures.
- 2014: Fixed number portability (FNP) is launched, extending the benefits of number portability to landlines. This coincided with the standardization of 9-digit mobile numbers and a shift to a more streamlined MNP process managed by a new administrator.
- 2021: Number portability regulations are further enhanced, focusing on improved efficiency and security for users. This included changes to the porting process and timelines.
- 2025: New regulations are introduced by OSIPTEL to enhance security and efficiency in number portability processes.
These reforms have fostered competition, improved service quality, and given consumers more choices.
Decoding Peruvian Phone Number Formats
Peruvian phone numbers adhere to a specific structure, which varies depending on whether the number is for a landline or mobile phone.
Landline Numbers
Landline numbers consist of 9 digits and follow this format:
0 + [Area Code (1-2 digits)] + [Local Number (7 digits)]
The leading 0
is the national prefix, followed by a 1 or 2-digit area code, and finally a 7-digit local number.
Mobile Numbers
Mobile numbers also consist of 9 digits and follow this format:
9 + [Subscriber Number (8 digits)]
All mobile numbers begin with the prefix 9
, followed by an 8-digit subscriber number.
Special Number Categories
In addition to standard landline and mobile numbers, Peru has several special number categories:
- Toll-Free:
followed by 5 digits. - Premium Rate:
followed by 5 digits, used for services like voting systems, entertainment, and professional consultations. - Shared Cost:
followed by 5 digits, used for services where the cost is shared between the caller and receiver, such as customer service and technical support lines. - Emergency Services: Notable emergency numbers include
(Fire), and other specialized services. - Government Services: Often use
series numbers for priority routing. - Operator Services: Typically use
series numbers for customer service and technical support.
Practical Implementation for Developers
Here's how to handle Peruvian phone numbers in your applications:
Use regular expressions to validate Peruvian phone numbers:
const peruPhoneRegex = {
landline: /^(0)(1|[2-9][0-9])\d{7}$/,
mobile: /^9\d{8}$/,
tollFree: /^0800\d{5}$/,
premium: /^0805\d{5}$/,
sharedCost: /^0801\d{5}$/
function validatePeruPhoneNumber(number, type) {
if (!peruPhoneRegex[type]) {
return { valid: false, error: 'Invalid number type' };
const isValid = peruPhoneRegex[type].test(number);
return {
valid: isValid,
error: isValid ? null : `Invalid ${type} number format`
// Example usage:
console.log(validatePeruPhoneNumber('012345678', 'landline')); // { valid: true, error: null }
console.log(validatePeruPhoneNumber('912345678', 'mobile')); // { valid: true, error: null }
console.log(validatePeruPhoneNumber('080012345', 'tollFree')); // { valid: true, error: null }
console.log(validatePeruPhoneNumber('123', 'mobile')); // { valid: false, error: 'Invalid mobile number format' }
Best Practices:
- Validate area codes: Cross-reference area codes with an official list from OSIPTEL to ensure accuracy.
- Check number length: Verify the correct number of digits based on the number type.
- Verify prefixes: Ensure the prefix matches the intended service type (e.g.,
for mobile,0800
for toll-free).
Format numbers for improved readability:
function formatPeruPhoneNumber(number, type) {
if (type === 'mobile') {
return number.replace(/(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{2})(\d{2})/, '$1 $2 $3 $4');
} else if (type === 'landline') {
return number.replace(/(\d{2})(\d{7})/, '$1 $2');
return number; // Return as is for other types
// Example usage:
console.log(formatPeruPhoneNumber('987654321', 'mobile')); // 987 654 32 21
console.log(formatPeruPhoneNumber('011234567', 'landline')); // 01 1234567
Dialing from Abroad
When dialing a Peruvian number from another country, use the following format:
+51 + [Number without the national prefix (0)]
For example, to call a Lima landline (01 234 5678
) from abroad, dial +51 1 234 5678
Market Insights: Major Operators
Peru's telecommunications market is primarily served by four major operators:
- Movistar: Holds a significant market share and provides a full range of services, leveraging extensive legacy infrastructure.
- Claro: Another major player offering full services, with a strong presence in urban areas.
- Entel: Focuses primarily on mobile and data services, known for its data service quality.
- Bitel: Caters to the mobile and data segment, actively expanding coverage in rural areas.
Future of Telecommunications in Peru
OSIPTEL is actively shaping the future of Peru's numbering plan to accommodate:
- Emerging technologies: 5G and beyond.
- IoT device integration: Addressing the growing need for numbers for connected devices.
- Enhanced number portability: Further streamlining and securing the process.
- Digital service integration: Adapting to the convergence of telecommunications and digital services.
OSIPTEL manages number resource allocation through a structured process involving application, technical evaluation, and implementation phases. This ensures responsible and efficient use of the limited number resource.
Additional Resources
- OSIPTEL Official Website: - The primary source for regulations and official information.
- Number Portability Verification System: - Verify the portability status of a number.
This guide provides a solid foundation for developers working with Peruvian phone numbers. Remember to consult OSIPTEL's official documentation for the most up-to-date information and regulations.