Phone Numbers in Puerto Rico

Quick Reference

  • Country: Puerto Rico
  • Country Code: +1
  • International Prefix: 011
  • National Prefix: 1
  • Area Codes: 787, 939
  • Regulatory Body: Puerto Rico Telecommunications Regulatory Board (PRTRB)


This guide offers a comprehensive overview of Puerto Rico's telephone numbering system, focusing on number formats, dialing procedures, and regulatory details. It serves as a valuable resource for telecom professionals, developers, and anyone needing precise information about Puerto Rico's telecommunications infrastructure.

Number Formats

General Number Structure

Puerto Rico adheres to the North American Numbering Plan (NANP), using a fixed-length ten-digit format for all phone numbers:

  • Country Code: +1
  • Area Code: 787 or 939
  • Subscriber Number: Seven digits

The general format is:



  • NPA is the area code (787 or 939)
  • NXX is the exchange code (first digit 2-9)
  • XXXX is the subscriber number

Number Format Table

Number TypeFormatExampleRegular Expression
Landline+1 (787939) [2-9]XX-XXXX+1 787-234-5678
Mobile+1 (787939) [2-9]XX-XXXX+1 939-876-5432
Toll-Free+1 8XX [2-9]XX-XXXX+1 800-123-4567`^+1 8(00
Premium Rate+1 900 [2-9]XX-XXXX+1 900-234-5678^\+1 900 [2-9]\d{2}-\d{4}$

Dialing Procedures

Domestic Calls

  • Landline to Landline: Dial 1 + Area Code + Subscriber Number (e.g., 1-787-234-5678)
  • Landline to Mobile: Dial 1 + Area Code + Subscriber Number (e.g., 1-939-876-5432)
  • Mobile to Mobile: Dial 1 + Area Code + Subscriber Number (e.g., 1-939-876-5432)

International Calls

  • Outgoing from Puerto Rico: Dial 011 + Country Code + National Number (e.g., 011-44-20-1234-5678 for the UK)
  • Incoming to Puerto Rico: Dial +1 + Area Code + Subscriber Number (e.g., +1-787-234-5678)

Number Portability

Puerto Rico supports number portability for both mobile and fixed-line numbers, allowing subscribers to retain their phone numbers when switching between service providers. This enhances competition among telecom operators and provides greater flexibility to consumers.

Regulatory Information

The Puerto Rico Telecommunications Regulatory Board (PRTRB) is responsible for managing and regulating the telecommunications infrastructure in Puerto Rico. This includes the administration of numbering resources, compliance with ITU-T recommendations, and oversight of telecom operators.

Major Telecom Operators

OperatorBrand NameServices Offered
Claro Puerto RicoClaroMobile, Fixed-Line, Internet, TV
AT&T Puerto RicoAT&TMobile, Fixed-Line, Internet, TV
Liberty Puerto RicoLibertyMobile, Fixed-Line, Internet, TV
Open MobileOpen MobileMobile

ITU-T Recommendations

Puerto Rico's numbering plan adheres to ITU-T E.164 standards as part of the North American Numbering Plan (NANP). Additionally, the ITU-T E.212 standard may apply for mobile network codes (MNCs) and international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI) formats.

Number Allocation and Management

The allocation and management of phone numbers in Puerto Rico are overseen by the PRTRB in coordination with the North American Numbering Plan Administration (NANPA). Number blocks are assigned to telecom operators based on demand and availability, following strict regulatory guidelines to ensure efficient use of numbering resources.

Technical Considerations

For developers and systems administrators working with Puerto Rican phone numbers, consider the following:

  • Validation: Ensure that phone numbers conform to the specified formats using regex patterns.
  • Portability Checks: Implement mechanisms to check for number portability, especially when integrating with telecom APIs.
  • Time Zone Handling: Puerto Rico operates in the Atlantic Standard Time (AST) zone; adjust timestamps accordingly when processing call data.
  • Internationalization: Ensure that systems can handle the +1 prefix and correctly format numbers for international dialing.

For the most up-to-date information on telecommunications regulations and numbering plans in Puerto Rico, please consult the official website of the Puerto Rico Telecommunications Regulatory Board (PRTRB) or the North American Numbering Plan Administration (NANPA).