Slovenia Phone Number Guide

Quick Reference

  • Country: Slovenia
  • Country Code: +386
  • International Prefix: 00 | 10(?:22|66|88|99)
  • National Prefix: 0


Discover Slovenia's telephone numbering plan with this comprehensive guide, covering number structures, dialing procedures, and regulatory insights. This resource is essential for telecom professionals, developers, and system administrators managing Slovenian phone numbers.

Number Formats

General Number Structure

Slovenian phone numbers follow the E.164 international numbering plan. The country code is +386. Here's a breakdown:

TypeNumber FormatExample
Premium89[1-3]X5 | 90X68911234, 901234

Landline Numbers

  • Format: [1-357][2-8]X{6}
  • Example: 312345678

Mobile Numbers

  • Format: 6[4-9]X{6}
  • Example: 64123456

Toll-Free Numbers

  • Format: 80X{4,6}
  • Example: 8001234

Premium Rate Numbers

  • Format: 89[1-3]X{2,5} \| 90X{4,6}
  • Example: 8911234, 901234

Dialing Procedures

Domestic Calls

  • Landline to Landline: Dial the full local number, including the area code if needed.
  • Landline to Mobile: Directly dial the mobile number.
  • Mobile to Mobile: Directly dial the mobile number.

International Calls

  • Outgoing: Dial 00 + country code + local number.
    • Example: To call Germany, dial 00 49 XXXXXXXXXX.
  • Incoming: Dial +386 + local number, omitting the leading 0.

Number Portability

Slovenia supports number portability for mobile and fixed-line numbers, implemented in 2007, allowing users to retain their numbers when switching providers.

Major Telecom Operators and Number Ranges

OperatorNumber Ranges
Telekom SlovenijeFixed: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05
Mobile: 041, 051, 031
A1 SlovenijaMobile: 040, 069
TelemachMobile: 070, 071

Regulatory Body

The Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia (AKOS) oversees Slovenia's telecommunications, including number allocation.

Recent and Upcoming Changes

No significant changes to Slovenia's numbering plan have been reported. The E.164 standard remains in use without planned modifications.

Technical Considerations

Regular Expressions for Number Validation

  • General Numbers:

  • Landline Numbers:

  • Mobile Numbers:

  • Toll-Free Numbers:

  • Premium Rate Numbers:


Number Allocation and Management

Number allocation is managed by AKOS, ensuring fair distribution among providers and adherence to international standards.

Special Cases

Slovenia follows the E.164 standard without specific provisions for "golden numbers" or number blocking.

For the latest telecommunications regulations, visit the AKOS official website.


Slovenia's phone numbering system is structured and aligns with international standards, facilitating seamless domestic and international communications. Understanding these formats and procedures is crucial for anyone working with Slovenian phone numbers.