Understanding Phone Numbers in Taiwan

Quick Facts

  • Country: Taiwan
  • Country Code: +886
  • International Prefix: 00
  • National Prefix: 0

Comprehensive Guide to Taiwan's Telephone Numbering

This article offers an in-depth look at Taiwan's telephone numbering system, covering number formats, dialing procedures, and telecommunications standards. It's an essential resource for telecom professionals, developers, and system administrators seeking precise information.

Number Formats in Taiwan

General Structure

Taiwan's phone numbers differ based on the service type (landline, mobile, toll-free, etc.). Here's a breakdown:

  • Country Code: +886
  • Area Codes: 1 to 3 digits
  • Subscriber Number: 6 to 8 digits

Landline Numbers

Landline numbers include an area code and a subscriber number. The area code length varies by region.


  • Area Code: 1 to 3 digits
  • Subscriber Number: 6 to 8 digits


  • Taipei: 02-XXXXXXXX
  • Kaohsiung: 07-XXXXXXX

Validation Regex:


Mobile Numbers

Mobile numbers are consistently 10 digits, starting with 09.


  • Prefix: 09
  • Subscriber Number: 8 digits



Validation Regex:


Toll-Free Numbers

Toll-free numbers start with 0800 or 0809, followed by 6 digits.


  • Prefix: 0800 or 0809
  • Subscriber Number: 6 digits


  • 0800XXXXXX

Validation Regex:


Premium Rate Numbers

Premium rate numbers begin with 020X, followed by 4 to 6 digits.


  • Prefix: 020X
  • Subscriber Number: 4 to 6 digits


  • 0201XXXXXX

Validation Regex:


Dialing Procedures

Domestic Calls

  • Landline to Landline: Dial the area code and subscriber number. Area code is optional within the same area.
    Example: 02-XXXXXXXX

  • Landline to Mobile: Dial 09 plus the 8-digit number.
    Example: 09XXXXXXXX

  • Mobile to Mobile: Directly dial the 10-digit number.
    Example: 09XXXXXXXX

International Calls

  • Outgoing: Dial 00, then the country code, area code, and local number.
    Example: 00 1 XXX XXXXXXX (to the USA)

  • Incoming: Dial +886 and the local number, omitting the leading 0.
    Example: +886 9XXXXXXXX

Number Portability

Taiwan supports mobile number portability (MNP), allowing users to keep their numbers when switching providers. This feature is available for both mobile and fixed-line numbers.

Major Telecom Operators and Number Ranges

Key Operators

  1. Chunghwa Telecom: Prefixes include 002, 009, 019
  2. Taiwan Mobile: Prefixes include 006, 016
  3. Far EasTone: Prefix 007
  4. Asia Pacific Telecom: Prefix 005

Number Allocation

The National Communications Commission (NCC) manages number allocation, ensuring compliance with ITU-T standards.

Technical Considerations

Regular Expressions for Validation

  • Landline: ^(02|03|04|05|06|07|08|082|0836|089)-?\d{6,8}$
  • Mobile: ^09\d{8}$
  • Toll-Free: ^(0800|0809)\d{6}$
  • Premium Rate: ^020[1-9]\d{4,6}$

ITU-T Standards

Taiwan's numbering plan adheres to:

  • E.164: International public telecommunication numbering plan.
  • E.123: Notation for national and international telephone numbers.


For the latest telecommunications regulations in Taiwan, visit the NCC's official website.

Stay updated on Taiwan's numbering plan changes by visiting the NCC regularly.