Phone Numbers in Uzbekistan

Quick Reference

  • Country: Uzbekistan
  • Country Code: +998
  • International Prefix: 00
  • National Prefix: None


Discover the intricacies of Uzbekistan's telephone numbering plan. This guide is essential for developers, telecom professionals, and business operators who need to navigate Uzbekistan's phone number formats and dialing procedures.

Number Structure

Uzbekistan's phone numbers adhere to the E.164 international numbering plan, featuring a country code of +998. Typical numbers consist of 9 digits, excluding the country code, with variations for geographic, mobile, and special service numbers.

General Structure

  • Country Code: +998
  • National Significant Number (NSN): 9 digits
  • Format: +998 BC XXXXXXX
    • BC: Area or operator code (2 digits)
    • XXXXXXX: Subscriber number (7 digits)

Number Formats by Type

Number TypeFormatExampleRegular Expression
Geographic+998 BC XXXXXXX+998 71 1234567^998[67]\d{7}$
Mobile+998 BC XXXXXXX+998 90 1234567^998[9][0-9]\d{7}$
Non-Geographic+998 BC XXXXXXX+998 88 1234567`^998(20

Geographic Area Codes

Uzbekistan is divided into several regions, each with its own area code:

RegionArea Code
Tashkent City71
Tashkent Region70
Samarkand Region66
Bukhara Region65
Fergana Region73
Andijan Region74
Namangan Region69
Navoiy Region79
Surxondaryo Region76
Qashqadaryo Region75
Sirdaryo Region67
Jizzakh Region72
Khorazm Region62

Mobile Number Prefixes

Mobile numbers in Uzbekistan are identified by specific prefixes:

Beeline (Unitel)90, 91
Ucell (Coscom)93, 94
Uzmobile77, 95, 99
Mobiuz (UMS)88, 97
Perfectum Mobile98
Uztelecom (VoIP)55

Dialing Procedures

Domestic Calls

  • Landline to Landline: Dial the area code followed by the subscriber number (e.g., 71 1234567).
  • Landline to Mobile: Dial the mobile prefix followed by the subscriber number (e.g., 90 1234567).
  • Mobile to Mobile: Dial the mobile prefix followed by the subscriber number (e.g., 93 1234567).

International Calls

  • Outgoing: Dial the international prefix 00, followed by the country code (e.g., 00 1 for the USA), and then the destination number.
  • Incoming: Callers from outside Uzbekistan should dial +998, followed by the area code or mobile prefix, and then the subscriber number.

Recent Changes to the Numbering Plan

In 2018, Uzbekistan transitioned to a 9-digit numbering system for Tashkent and the Tashkent region, ensuring consistency across the nation.

Number Portability

Uzbekistan supports number portability, allowing subscribers to retain their phone numbers when switching providers. This applies to both mobile and fixed-line numbers.

Regulatory Body

The Ministry of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan oversees telecommunications regulations and numbering plans in Uzbekistan.

Technical Considerations

Regular Expressions for Validation

Developers can use the following regular expressions to validate Uzbekistan phone numbers:

  • Geographic Numbers: ^998[67]\d{7}$
  • Mobile Numbers: ^998[9][0-9]\d{7}$
  • Non-Geographic Numbers: ^998(20|33|88)\d{7}$
  • Emergency Numbers: ^1\d{2}$

Number Allocation and Management

The Ministry of Digital Technologies manages phone number allocation, ensuring compliance with ITU-T E.164 standards.

Technical Restrictions and Special Cases

While there are no specific technical restrictions, the Ministry may implement number blocking or designate "golden numbers" for special use.

For the latest telecommunications regulations in Uzbekistan, visit the Ministry of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan.