SMS Guidelines for Suriname: Compliance, Message Length, and Best Practices

Understanding the SMS guidelines for Suriname is crucial for effective communication. This guide covers compliance, message length, and best practices to ensure smooth messaging.

Key SMS Features for Suriname

Two-Way SMS Support

Two-way SMS is not supported in Suriname, meaning replies to messages sent to local mobile numbers cannot be received. Consider alternative methods if two-way communication is necessary.

Number Portability

Suriname does not offer number portability. Users changing providers must acquire new numbers, impacting long-term SMS campaigns.

SMS Concatenation

Suriname supports SMS concatenation, allowing longer messages to be split and reassembled on the recipient's device. This ensures complete message delivery even if it spans multiple segments.

Message Length

While the exact SMS character limit in Suriname is unspecified, messages exceeding the standard limit will be split into concatenated segments, potentially incurring additional charges.

MMS Support

MMS is not supported in Suriname. Multimedia content is converted into SMS messages with embedded URLs, enabling recipients to access content via web links.

Sending SMS to Landline Numbers

SMS messages cannot be sent to landline numbers in Suriname. Attempts will result in a 400 response with error code 21614, and no charges will be incurred.

Compliance Considerations for SMS in Suriname

Compliance is vital for SMS campaigns targeting different regions. Consult legal counsel to ensure adherence to applicable laws. Here are some best practices:

  1. Get Opt-In Consent
    Obtain explicit opt-in consent before sending communications, especially marketing messages.

  2. Respect Local Time Zones
    Send messages during the recipient's daytime hours unless urgent, to avoid disturbances.

  3. Support HELP/STOP Messages
    Enable users to send HELP or STOP messages in their local language for compliance and user control.

  4. Avoid Do-Not-Call Registries
    Do not contact users listed on do-not-call registries to avoid legal issues.


Sending SMS in Suriname involves understanding local regulations and technical limitations. While two-way SMS and number portability are unavailable, SMS concatenation supports longer messages. Compliance with local laws, including opt-in consent and respecting time zones, is essential for successful campaigns. Always consult legal experts to align your strategy with Suriname's regulations.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can ensure effective and compliant SMS campaigns in Suriname, reaching your audience without legal or technical issues.