SMS Guidelines for Angola: Compliance, Features, and Best Practices

Understanding the SMS guidelines for Angola is essential for effective and compliant messaging. This guide covers key features, compliance considerations, and best practices for sending SMS messages in Angola.

Key Features of SMS in Angola

Two-Way SMS Support

Two-way SMS is not supported in Angola. You can send SMS messages to users, but they cannot respond directly via SMS.

Concatenated Message Support

Angola supports concatenated SMS messages. If your message exceeds the standard character limit, it will be split into segments and reassembled on the recipient's device, ensuring seamless delivery.

MMS Support

Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) is not directly supported in Angola. MMS messages are converted into SMS with an embedded URL, allowing recipients to access multimedia content via a clickable link.

SMS to Landline Numbers

Sending SMS to landline numbers in Angola is not supported. Attempts will result in a 400 error with error code 21614, and the message will not appear in your logs.

Compliance Considerations for SMS in Angola

To ensure legal compliance, adhere to these best practices:

  • Obtain Opt-in Consent: Secure explicit opt-in consent from users before sending any messages, especially for marketing purposes.
  • Respect Local Time Zones: Send messages during the recipient's daytime hours to avoid complaints and legal issues.
  • Support HELP/STOP Commands: Implement standard HELP and STOP commands in the local language to allow users to manage their subscriptions.
  • Avoid Do-Not-Call Registries: Do not send messages to users on do-not-call or do-not-disturb lists, as this is a legal requirement.


Complying with SMS guidelines in Angola is crucial for successful messaging campaigns. While two-way SMS and MMS are limited, concatenated messages are supported. Always ensure proper consent, respect time zones, and provide opt-out options to maintain a positive user experience.

For more information on SMS regulations, visit the Angolan Communications Institute. By following these guidelines, your SMS communications in Angola will be both effective and compliant.