SMS Guidelines for Cuba: Key Information and Best Practices

Discover essential SMS guidelines for Cuba, focusing on message length, compliance, and limitations on two-way SMS. Ensure your campaigns are effective and compliant.

Key Locale Information

  • Locale Name: Cuba
  • ISO Code: CU
  • Region: North America
  • Mobile Country Code (MCC): 368
  • Dialing Code: +53

SMS Features and Limitations

Two-Way SMS Support

Two-way SMS is not supported in Cuba. Users cannot respond to SMS messages sent from your service. Consider alternative communication channels if interaction is crucial.

Number Portability

Cuba does not support number portability. Users cannot keep their mobile number when changing carriers, affecting contact management.

Concatenated Message Support

Cuba does not support concatenated messages. Messages over 160 characters will be truncated, so keep content concise.

Message Length

The maximum length for a single SMS message in Cuba is 160 characters. Exceeding this limit results in message truncation.

MMS Support

MMS is not supported. MMS attempts convert to SMS with an embedded URL, requiring recipients to click to view content.

Sending SMS to Landline Numbers

Sending SMS to landlines in Cuba is not allowed. Attempts will return a 400 error code 21614 and will not be logged or charged.

Compliance Considerations

To ensure compliance with Cuban regulations, adhere to these best practices:

  1. Obtain Opt-In Consent: Secure explicit opt-in consent from users before sending messages, especially for marketing.
  2. Respect Time Zones: Send messages during local daytime hours unless urgent.
  3. Support HELP/STOP Messages: Enable commands like HELP and STOP in the local language.
  4. Avoid Do-Not-Call Lists: Do not contact users on do-not-call registries.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is two-way SMS supported in Cuba?

No, two-way SMS is not supported. Users cannot reply to messages sent from your service.

Can I send multimedia messages (MMS) to Cuba?

No, MMS messages convert to SMS with an embedded URL. Users must click the URL to view content.

What is the maximum SMS message length in Cuba?

The maximum length is 160 characters. Longer messages will be truncated as concatenation is not supported.

By following these guidelines, your SMS campaigns in Cuba will be compliant and effective, ensuring a positive user experience. For more information on international SMS regulations, visit ITU's official website.