Algeria SMS Guidelines: Mobile Codes, Dialing Codes, and Compliance

Navigating SMS communication in Algeria requires understanding specific regulations and guidelines. This guide offers insights into the SMS framework, including mobile country codes, dialing codes, message length, and compliance requirements.

Mobile Country Code and Dialing Code for Algeria

To successfully send SMS messages to Algeria, it's crucial to use the correct codes:

  • Mobile Country Code (MCC): 603
  • Dialing Code: +213

The MCC is a three-digit code used with a Mobile Network Code (MNC) to identify mobile networks uniquely. The dialing code is the prefix needed to connect with Algerian mobile numbers.

Two-way SMS and Number Portability

  • Two-way SMS: Not supported in Algeria. Messages can be sent, but recipients cannot reply via the same service.
  • Number Portability: Not available. Users cannot retain their numbers when switching providers.

Message Length and Concatenation

SMS messages exceeding the standard character limit will be split and rejoined at the receiving end:

  • Concatenated Message Support: Supported, though availability may vary with sender ID types. Message splitting and rejoining depend on character encoding.

MMS Support

Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) in Algeria is limited:

  • Conversion to SMS with URL: Media content is sent as an SMS with an embedded URL to view the content.

Sending SMS to Landline Numbers

SMS messages cannot be sent to landline numbers in Algeria. Attempts will result in:

  • A 400 response with error code 21614 from the Sent REST API.
  • No charges or log entries will occur.

Compliance Considerations

Adhering to local laws is essential for SMS campaigns in Algeria. Businesses should consult legal counsel for compliance. Key practices include:

  • Opt-in Consent: Obtain explicit consent before sending messages, especially marketing ones.
  • Respect Time Zones: Send messages during daytime hours unless urgent.
  • Support HELP/STOP Commands: Ensure campaigns support these commands in the local language.
  • Avoid Do-not-call Registries: Do not contact individuals on these lists.

By following these practices, businesses can ensure effective and compliant SMS communication in Algeria.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is two-way SMS supported in Algeria?

No, two-way SMS is not supported. Recipients cannot reply directly through the same service.

Can SMS messages be sent to landline numbers in Algeria?

No, sending SMS to landlines is not possible. The Sent REST API will return a 400 response with error code 21614, and no charges will apply.

What are the compliance considerations for sending SMS in Algeria?

Consult with legal counsel to ensure compliance with local laws. Best practices include obtaining opt-in consent, respecting do-not-call registries, and sending messages during daytime hours unless urgent.

For more information on telecommunications regulations, visit the Algerian Ministry of Post and Telecommunications.