SMS Guidelines for Lebanon: Compliance, Message Length, and More

Sending SMS messages to users in Lebanon requires adherence to specific guidelines to ensure compliance and optimal message delivery. This article covers the key points you need to know about SMS messaging in Lebanon, including message length, two-way SMS support, and compliance considerations.

Two-Way SMS Support in Lebanon

Unfortunately, two-way SMS is not supported in Lebanon. This means that users in Lebanon cannot reply to SMS messages sent via the Sent platform. Businesses should consider alternative methods for interaction, such as email or web-based forms, for receiving responses from users in this locale.

Message Length and Concatenation

In Lebanon, SMS messages are limited to 160 characters before they are split into concatenated segments. Concatenation allows longer messages to be split into smaller parts and reassembled on the recipient's device. However, note that concatenation may not be supported for certain sender ID types, and the process of splitting and rejoining messages may vary based on the character encoding used.

MMS Support

Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) is not natively supported in Lebanon. Instead, MMS messages are converted to SMS with an embedded URL. This means that images, videos, or other multimedia content will be sent as a link, rather than directly within the message.

Sending SMS to Landline Numbers

Sending SMS messages to landline numbers in Lebanon is not possible. If an SMS is attempted to be sent to a landline, the Sent REST API will return a 400 error with the code 21614. The message will not be delivered, will not appear in logs, and no charges will be incurred.

Compliance Considerations

Compliance is a critical aspect of any SMS campaign, particularly when sending messages across international borders. Sent strongly encourages businesses to consult with qualified legal counsel to ensure compliance with all applicable laws in Lebanon. Some general best practices include:

  • Opt-in Consent: Always obtain explicit opt-in consent from users before sending SMS communications, particularly for marketing or non-essential messages.
  • Timing: Send messages only during the recipient's local daytime hours unless the communication is urgent.
  • HELP/STOP Support: Ensure that your SMS campaigns support HELP and STOP messages in the local language, allowing users to easily manage their communication preferences.
  • Do-Not-Disturb Registries: Avoid contacting users who are listed on do-not-call or do-not-disturb registries.

By following these guidelines, businesses can ensure that their SMS campaigns in Lebanon are compliant and effective.


Is two-way SMS supported in Lebanon?

No, two-way SMS is not supported in Lebanon.

Can I send SMS to landline numbers in Lebanon?

No, SMS cannot be sent to landline numbers in Lebanon. The Sent REST API will throw a 400 error with code 21614.

What is the maximum message length for SMS in Lebanon?

The maximum message length is 160 characters before being split into concatenated segments.

By adhering to these guidelines and best practices, businesses can ensure their SMS communications in Lebanon are both compliant and effective.