SMS Guidelines for Taiwan: Compliance, Best Practices, and Technical Considerations

When sending SMS messages to recipients in Taiwan, understanding local regulations and technical requirements is crucial for compliance and maximizing message deliverability. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the key guidelines you need to follow when sending SMS to Taiwan.

Key Technical Details

Two-Way SMS Support

Two-way SMS is not supported in Taiwan. To engage in conversations with users, consider alternative communication channels.

Number Portability

Number portability is available, allowing users to switch mobile operators while retaining their phone numbers. This is vital for maintaining accurate contact lists and ensuring message deliverability.

Message Concatenation

Concatenated messages are supported in Taiwan. If your message exceeds the standard SMS character limit, it will be split into smaller segments and reassembled on the recipient’s device. Note that for certain sender ID types, concatenation may not be supported, and message splitting may vary based on character encoding.

MMS Support

Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) is not directly supported. Instead, MMS messages are converted to SMS with an embedded URL. Multimedia content will be sent as an SMS with a link to the content.

Sending SMS to Landline Numbers

SMS messages cannot be sent to landline numbers in Taiwan. Attempts will result in a 400 error with code 21614, and the message will not be delivered or logged.

Compliance Considerations

Adhering to strict compliance guidelines is essential to avoid penalties and ensure successful message delivery in Taiwan. Key compliance considerations include:

  • URLs in SMS: Shortened URLs are strictly prohibited. If your SMS contains a URL, contact Sent customer support to register or allowlist the full-length URL to prevent delivery failures.

  • Prohibited Content: Messages containing content related to firearms, gambling, adult content, money/loans, political or religious messaging, controlled substances, cannabis, and alcohol are prohibited. Messages with WhatsApp or LINE chat links are also not allowed.

  • Sender ID: Both alpha and numeric Sender IDs are supported but will be overwritten with a long code outside of Sent's platform.

  • SMSC Delivery Reports: Only SMSC delivery reports are supported, allowing you to track the status of your sent messages.

  • Marketing Message Restrictions: Sending promotional or marketing messages is prohibited between 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM and from 9:00 PM until 9:00 AM the next day.

Best Practices for SMS Campaigns in Taiwan

To ensure effective and compliant SMS campaigns, follow these best practices:

  1. Obtain Opt-In Consent: Always get explicit opt-in consent from recipients before sending any communication, especially for marketing or non-essential messages.

  2. Respect Time Zones: Send messages during the recipient’s local daytime hours unless urgent. Avoid sending messages during the prohibited times mentioned above.

  3. Support HELP/STOP Commands: Ensure your SMS campaigns allow recipients to send HELP or STOP messages, and support these commands in the local language.

  4. Avoid Do-Not-Call Registries: Do not send messages to users on do-not-call or do-not-disturb registries.


Sending SMS in Taiwan requires careful attention to both technical and legal guidelines. By adhering to rules regarding message content, timing, and sender identification, you can ensure your messages are delivered successfully and compliantly. Always consult with legal counsel to ensure your campaigns meet all applicable regulations.

For further assistance or to register URLs for your campaigns, contact Sent customer support.