SMS Guidelines for Samoa: Best Practices, Compliance, and Technical Insights

Samoa, a picturesque island nation in Oceania, has specific SMS guidelines that are essential for businesses and developers to understand. This comprehensive guide provides an overview of the technical and compliance aspects necessary for effective SMS communication in Samoa.

Locale Overview

  • Locale Name: Samoa
  • ISO Code: WS
  • Region: Oceania
  • Mobile Country Code: 549
  • Dialing Code: +685

Technical Guidelines

Two-Way SMS Support

In Samoa, two-way SMS is not supported. Users cannot reply to SMS messages, so businesses should adjust their communication strategies accordingly. Consider alternative channels if interaction is required.

Number Portability

Number portability, which allows users to switch providers without changing numbers, is not available in Samoa. This simplifies message routing but restricts users from retaining their numbers across networks.

Concatenated Message Support

Samoa does not support concatenated SMS. Messages exceeding the standard length will not be split and reassembled, risking delivery failure. Keep messages concise.

Message Length

While there are no specific message length restrictions, adhere to the standard SMS character limit (160 characters for GSM-encoded messages) to avoid issues.

MMS Support

Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) is converted to SMS with an embedded URL. Recipients receive a link to view content instead of direct multimedia.

Sending SMS to Landline Numbers

You cannot send SMS to landline numbers in Samoa. Attempts will result in a 400 error with code 21614, and the message will not be logged or charged.

Compliance Considerations

Compliance is crucial for SMS campaigns, especially internationally. Consult legal counsel to ensure adherence to local laws. Here are some best practices for SMS compliance in Samoa:

  • Opt-In Consent: Obtain explicit opt-in consent before sending communications, especially for marketing.
  • Respect Local Time Zones: Send messages during local daytime hours unless urgent.
  • Support HELP/STOP Messages: Enable users to manage preferences with HELP/STOP messages in the local language.
  • Do-Not-Call Registries: Avoid contacting users on do-not-call or do-not-disturb lists.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is two-way SMS supported in Samoa?

No, two-way SMS is not supported. Users cannot reply to messages.

Can I send SMS to landline numbers in Samoa?

No, SMS to landline numbers is not possible. Attempts will result in a 400 error with code 21614.

What are the key compliance considerations for SMS in Samoa?

Key considerations include obtaining opt-in consent, respecting local time zones, supporting HELP/STOP messages, and avoiding users on do-not-call lists.


Samoa's SMS guidelines and limitations require businesses and developers to be well-informed. From the absence of two-way SMS support to compliance with local laws, understanding these regulations is essential for successful SMS campaigns. Ensure your messaging aligns with both technical capabilities and legal requirements to maintain effective communication.

For more information, visit the official website of the Samoa Government.