Phone Numbers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Quick Reference

  • Country: Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Country Code: +243
  • International Prefix: 00
  • National Prefix: 0


This guide provides a detailed examination of the telephone numbering system in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). It includes the format of phone numbers, dialing procedures, and regulatory guidelines, making it invaluable for telecom professionals, software developers, and international callers.

Number Structure

General Number Format

Phone numbers in the DRC vary based on the service type, such as landline or mobile. The basic structure includes:

  • Country Code: +243
  • National Prefix: 0
  • Subscriber Number: 8 to 10 digits

Detailed Number Formats

Below is a table summarizing the structure of different phone number types in the DRC:

Geographic0X XXX XXXX012 345 6789^0[1-6]\d{7}$
Mobile0XX XXX XXXX081 234 5678^0[89]\d{8}$
Toll-Free0800 XXX XXX0800 123 456^0800\d{6}$
Premium Rate0900 XXX XXX0900 123 456^0900\d{6}$
Special Services1XX112 (Emergency)^1\d{2}$

Regular Expressions for Validation

To programmatically validate phone numbers in the DRC, use these regular expressions:

  • Geographic Numbers: ^0[1-6]\d{7}$
  • Mobile Numbers: ^0[89]\d{8}$
  • Toll-Free Numbers: ^0800\d{6}$
  • Premium Rate Numbers: ^0900\d{6}$
  • Special Services: ^1\d{2}$

Dialing Procedures

Domestic Calls

  • Landline to Landline: Dial the full 8-digit number starting with the area code.
  • Landline to Mobile: Dial the full 9-digit mobile number starting with "08" or "09".
  • Mobile to Mobile: Dial the full 9-digit mobile number directly.

International Calls

  • Outgoing: Dial 00 followed by the country code and the subscriber number. For example, to call France: 00 33 XXXXXXXXX.
  • Incoming: International callers should dial +243 followed by the local number without the leading 0.

Number Portability

Currently, mobile and fixed-line number portability are not available in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Major Telecom Operators and Number Ranges

Here are the major telecom operators in the DRC and their associated number ranges:

Vodacom Congo+243 81, +243 82, +243 83
Orange DRC+243 91, +243 92, +243 93
Airtel DRC+243 97, +243 98
Africell DRC+243 99

ITU-T Standards and Recommendations

The DRC adheres to ITU-T Recommendations E.123 and E.164, which govern international telephone numbering plans and the presentation of phone numbers.

Number Allocation and Management

The Ministère des Postes et Télécommunications is responsible for the allocation and management of phone numbers in the DRC, ensuring compliance with both national and international standards.

Technical Considerations

For developers and systems managing phone numbers in the DRC, consider:

  1. Validation: Use regex-based validation to ensure numbers conform to specified formats.
  2. Formatting: Follow ITU-T E.123 guidelines for presenting phone numbers consistently.
  3. Dialing Logic: Ensure systems handle the national prefix (0) and international prefix (00) correctly.
  4. Portability: Design systems to accommodate potential future number portability.
  5. Special Cases: Be aware of special formats for toll-free and premium-rate services.

For the latest information on telecommunications regulations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, visit the official Ministère des Postes et Télécommunications website.

Recent or Upcoming Changes

As of the latest updates, there have been no significant changes to the numbering plan in the DRC. Future changes will likely be announced by the Ministère des Postes et Télécommunications.


Understanding the telephone numbering plan in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is essential for telecom services, software development, and international communications. This guide provides the necessary technical details to correctly format, validate, and dial numbers within the DRC.