Understanding Phone Numbers in Germany

Quick Reference Guide

  • Country: Germany
  • Country Code: +49
  • International Prefix: 00
  • National Prefix: 0

Overview of German Phone Numbers

Germany's telephone numbering system is managed by the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) and features a variable-length plan. This guide provides an in-depth look at the structure, dialing rules, and key aspects of German phone numbers, including geographic, mobile, toll-free, premium-rate, and shared-cost numbers.

Detailed Number Formats

General Structure

German phone numbers are structured as follows:

  • Country Code: +49
  • Area Codes: 2 to 5 digits (excluding the national prefix '0')
  • Subscriber Numbers: 3 to 13 digits, varying by area code and service type

Number Format Table

Type of NumberExample FormatRegular ExpressionExample Numbers
Geographic Landline0XX...X^0[2-9]\d{1,4}\d{3,12}$0301234567, 089123456789
Mobile015X...X^01[5-7]\d{7,8}$01511234567, 01761234567
Premium Rate0900...X^0900[1359]\d{6}$09001234567
Shared Cost0180...X^0180\d{5,11}$01801234567

Geographic Numbers

Geographic numbers feature area codes that can be 2 to 5 digits long:

  • Format: 0XX...X
  • Area Codes: 2 to 5 digits
  • Subscriber Numbers: 3 to 12 digits


  • Berlin: 030 1234567
  • Munich: 089 123456789

Mobile Numbers

Mobile numbers are non-geographic and start with 015, 016, or 017:

  • Format: 015X...X
  • Subscriber Numbers: 7 to 8 digits


  • Vodafone: 01511234567
  • T-Mobile: 01761234567

Toll-Free Numbers

Toll-free numbers begin with 0800:

  • Format: 0800...X
  • Subscriber Numbers: 7 to 12 digits


  • Toll-Free: 08001234567

Premium Rate Numbers

Premium rate numbers, starting with 0900, incur additional charges:

  • Format: 0900...X
  • Subscriber Numbers: 6 digits


  • Premium Rate: 09001234567

Shared Cost Numbers

Shared cost numbers start with 0180 and split costs between caller and recipient:

  • Format: 0180...X
  • Subscriber Numbers: 5 to 11 digits


  • Shared Cost: 01801234567

Dialing Procedures

Domestic Calls

  • Landline to Landline: Dial 0 + area code + subscriber number.
    • Example: 030 1234567
  • Landline to Mobile: Dial 0 + mobile number.
    • Example: 0151 1234567
  • Mobile to Mobile: Dial directly without the national prefix 0.
    • Example: 0176 1234567

International Calls

  • Outgoing: Dial 00 + country code + area code (without 0) + subscriber number.
    • Example: 00 49 30 1234567
  • Incoming to Germany: Dial +49 + area code (without 0) + subscriber number.
    • Example: +49 30 1234567

Number Portability

Number portability is available for both fixed-line and mobile numbers in Germany:

Major Telecom Operators

Germany's major telecom operators include:

  • Deutsche Telekom
  • Vodafone Germany
  • O2 Germany (Telefónica)

These operators manage various number ranges, though specific allocations are not publicly disclosed.

Regulatory Body

The Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) oversees telecommunications regulation in Germany. For the latest updates, visit their official website.

Technical Considerations

Regular Expressions for Validation

Use the following regex patterns to validate German phone numbers:

^0[2-9]\d{1,4}\d{3,12}$  // Geographic Landline
^01[5-7]\d{7,8}$         // Mobile
^0800\d{7,12}$           // Toll-Free
^0900[1359]\d{6}$        // Premium Rate
^0180\d{5,11}$           // Shared Cost

ITU-T Recommendations

Germany's numbering plan complies with the ITU-T E.164 standard, ensuring global uniqueness of each phone number.

Number Allocation and Management

Number allocation is managed by the Federal Network Agency, which assigns number blocks to telecom operators and oversees portability and regulation.

Technical Restrictions

Germany does not impose unique "golden number" policies or blocking restrictions in its numbering system.

For the most up-to-date information on telecommunications regulations in Germany, please consult the Federal Network Agency's official website.