Phone Numbers in Chad: Formats and Dialing Rules

Quick Reference

  • Country: Chad
  • Country Code: +235
  • International Prefix: 00 | 16
  • National Prefix: None


Discover the telephone numbering plan in Chad with this comprehensive guide. Learn about the structure of phone numbers, dialing procedures, and regulatory details essential for telecom professionals, developers, and system administrators.

Number Structure

Chad's phone numbers consist of a fixed 8-digit format. Here's the breakdown:

  • Country Code: +235
  • Subscriber Number: 8 digits, with prefixes indicating service types (e.g., mobile, landline).

Number Format Breakdown

TypePrefixNumber LengthExample
Landline228 digits22345678
Mobile6X, 7X, 9X8 digits66123456
Special Services11, 12, 13, 143-6 digits112 (Emergency)

Regular Expressions

Use these regular expressions to validate Chad phone numbers:

  • Landline: ^22\d{6}$
  • Mobile: ^[679]\d{7}$
  • Special Services: ^1[1-4]\d{1,4}$

Dialing Procedures

Domestic Calls

  • Landline to Landline: Dial the 8-digit subscriber number directly.
  • Landline to Mobile: Dial the 8-digit mobile number directly.
  • Mobile to Mobile: Dial the 8-digit mobile number directly.

International Calls

  • Outgoing: Dial the international prefix (00 or 16), followed by the destination country code, area code (if applicable), and the subscriber number. For example, to call France, dial 00 33 XXXXXXXXX.
  • Incoming: Callers from abroad should dial +235 followed by the 8-digit subscriber number.

Number Portability

Currently, Chad does not support mobile number portability. Subscribers cannot retain their phone numbers when switching providers.

Major Telecom Operators and Number Ranges

Chad's telecom market features several operators with specific number ranges:

OperatorService TypeNumber Range
Airtel ChadMobile66XXXXXX, 77XXXXXX
Tigo ChadMobile99XXXXXX
Sotel TchadLandline22XXXXXX

Regulatory Authority

The Autorité de Régulation des Communications Électroniques et des Postes (ARCEP) regulates Chad's telecommunications sector. For the latest information on numbering plans and regulations, visit the official ARCEP website.

Number Allocation and Management

Number allocation in Chad is managed by ARCEP, adhering to ITU-T recommendations. Numbers are allocated in blocks based on service type and geographic needs.

Technical Considerations

For Developers and Systems Administrators

  • Validation: Use the provided regular expressions for phone number validation in Chad.
  • Formatting: Ensure international numbers include +235 for storage and transmission.
  • Dialing Rules: Implement logic for both domestic and international dialing, noting the absence of a national prefix.
  • Special Cases: Recognize reserved ranges for special services like emergency numbers.

For the most current telecommunications regulations in Chad, consult the ARCEP website.