Phone Numbers in Malta: A Comprehensive Guide

Quick Reference

  • Country: Malta
  • Country Code: +356
  • International Prefix: 00
  • National Prefix: None


Discover the intricacies of Malta's telephone numbering plan, including formats, dialing procedures, and regulatory standards. This guide is essential for telecom professionals, developers, and business operators navigating Malta's telecommunications landscape.

Number Formats

General Number Structure

In Malta, phone numbers are consistently 8 digits long, with no area codes. The first digit indicates the service type.

  • Country Code: +356
  • Subscriber Number: 8 digits

Geographic Numbers

Geographic numbers start with 2, used for landline services.

  • Format: 2XXXXXXX
  • Example: +356 21234567

Mobile Numbers

Mobile numbers start with 7 or 9.

  • Format: 7XXXXXXX or 9XXXXXXX
  • Example: +356 79987654, +356 99234567

Toll-Free Numbers

Toll-free numbers start with 800.

  • Format: 800XXXXX
  • Example: +356 80012345

Premium Rate Numbers

Premium rate numbers start with 50 or 51.

  • Format: 50XXXXXX or 51XXXXXX
  • Example: +356 50012345, +356 51012345

Special Services

Special services numbers are 3 digits long.

  • Examples:
    • Emergency Services: 112
    • Directory Assistance: 1182

Number Format Table

Service TypeNumber FormatExample
Geographic2XXXXXXX+356 21234567
Mobile7XXXXXXX, 9XXXXXXX+356 79987654, +356 99234567
Toll-Free800XXXXX+356 80012345
Premium Rate50XXXXXX, 51XXXXXX+356 50012345, +356 51012345
Emergency Services112112
Directory Assistance11821182

Regular Expressions for Number Validation

Use these regular expressions to validate Maltese phone numbers:

  • Geographic Numbers: ^2\d{7}$
  • Mobile Numbers: ^[79]\d{7}$
  • Toll-Free Numbers: ^800\d{5}$
  • Premium Rate Numbers: ^5[01]\d{6}$
  • Emergency Services: ^112$
  • Directory Assistance: ^1182$

Dialing Procedures

Domestic Calls

  • Landline to Landline: Dial the 8-digit number (e.g., 21234567).
  • Landline to Mobile: Dial the 8-digit mobile number (e.g., 79987654).
  • Mobile to Mobile: Dial the 8-digit mobile number (e.g., 99234567).

International Calls

  • Outgoing: Dial 00, the country code, and the subscriber number. For the UK: 00 44 20 7946 0958.
  • Incoming: Dial +356 followed by the 8-digit number (e.g., +356 21234567).

Recent Changes to Malta's Numbering Plan

Currently, there are no recent changes to Malta's numbering plan. For updates, consult the Malta Communications Authority (MCA).

Number Portability

Malta supports number portability for mobile and landline numbers, regulated by the Malta Communications Authority (MCA).

Major Telecom Operators

  • GO plc
  • Melita Ltd
  • Epic Communications Ltd

These operators offer mobile, fixed-line, and broadband services.

ITU-T Recommendations and Standards

Malta complies with ITU-T E.164 standards, ensuring global compatibility for phone numbers and dialing procedures.

Number Allocation and Management

The Malta Communications Authority (MCA) manages phone number allocation, ensuring efficient distribution.

Technical Restrictions and Special Cases

  • Golden Numbers: May incur higher fees or special allocation.
  • Number Blocking: Certain ranges may be reserved for special services.

Technical Considerations for Developers

  • Validation: Use regular expressions for number validation.
  • Portability: Ensure systems support number portability.
  • Internationalization: Store numbers in E.164 format for global use.

For the latest telecommunications regulations and numbering plans in Malta, visit the Malta Communications Authority (MCA).