Phone Numbers in the Republic of North Macedonia

Quick Reference

  • Country: Republic of North Macedonia
  • Country Code: +389
  • International Prefix: 00
  • National Prefix: 0


This guide offers a detailed exploration of the telephone numbering system in the Republic of North Macedonia. It covers number formats, dialing procedures, and regulatory insights, providing essential information for telecom professionals, developers, and system administrators.

Number Formats

General Structure

Phone numbers in North Macedonia are structured as follows:

  • Country Code: +389
  • National (Significant) Number: N(S)N
  • N(S)N Structure: [Area Code] + [Subscriber Number]

Geographic Numbers (Landline)

  • Format: 0[2-4]XXXXXXXX
  • Length: 9 digits (including the leading '0')
  • Area Codes:
    • Skopje: 02
    • Eastern Area: 03X (e.g., 031, 032)
    • Central and Western Area: 04X (e.g., 041, 042)


  • 023456789 (Skopje)
  • 031234567 (Eastern Area)
  • 041234567 (Central and Western Area)

Mobile Numbers

  • Format: 07XXXXXXXXX
  • Length: 9 digits (including the leading '0')
  • Prefixes:
    • 070, 071, 072: Makedonski Telekom
    • 073: GreenMobile, mtel
    • 074: Telekabel
    • 075, 076, 077, 078: A1 Macedonia
    • 079: LycaMobile


  • 070123456 (Makedonski Telekom)
  • 075123456 (A1 Macedonia)
  • 079123456 (LycaMobile)

Toll-Free Numbers

  • Format: 0800XXXXXX
  • Length: 9 digits (including the leading '0')
  • Prefix: 0800


  • 0800123456

Premium Rate Numbers

  • Format: 090XYYYYYY
  • Length: 10 digits (including the leading '0')
  • Prefix: 090X


  • 0901123456

Shared Cost Numbers

  • Format: 08XYYYYYYY
  • Length: 9 digits (including the leading '0')
  • Prefixes:
    • 081, 082, 083: Shared cost services


  • 081123456

Numbering Scheme Regular Expressions

To validate phone numbers in North Macedonia, use the following regular expressions:

  • Geographic Numbers:
  • Mobile Numbers:
  • Toll-Free Numbers:
  • Premium Rate Numbers:
  • Shared Cost Numbers:

Dialing Procedures

Domestic Calls

  • Landline to Landline: Dial 0 + [Area Code] + [Subscriber Number]
    • Example: 0223456789 (Skopje)
  • Landline to Mobile: Dial 0 + [Mobile Prefix] + [Subscriber Number]
    • Example: 070123456
  • Mobile to Mobile: Dial 0 + [Mobile Prefix] + [Subscriber Number]
    • Example: 075123456
  • Mobile to Landline: Dial 0 + [Area Code] + [Subscriber Number]
    • Example: 0223456789 (Skopje)

International Calls

  • Outgoing: Dial 00 + [Country Code] + [National Number]
    • Example: 00381XXXXXXXXX (to Serbia)
  • Incoming: Dial +389 + [National Number] (without the leading '0')
    • Example: +38923123456

Recent and Upcoming Changes to the Numbering Plan

Currently, there are no significant changes to the numbering plan. The Agency for Electronic Communications (AEK) regularly reviews and updates the National Numbering Plan.

Number Portability

  • Implemented: Yes
  • Types of Numbers: Both mobile and fixed-line numbers
  • Introduction Dates:
    • Mobile Number Portability: Since 1st September 2008.
    • Fixed-Line Number Portability: Since 1st April 2014.

Major Telecom Operators and Number Ranges

OperatorMobile PrefixesLandline Area Codes
Makedonski Telekom070, 071, 07202 (Skopje)
GreenMobile, mtel07303X (Eastern Area)
Telekabel07404X (Central and Western Area)
A1 Macedonia075, 076, 077, 078N/A

Regulatory Body

  • Agency for Electronic Communications (AEK)
  • Website:

The AEK manages the national numbering plan, ensuring compliance with ITU-T recommendations, particularly E.164.

Technical Considerations

Number Allocation and Management

The AEK oversees phone number allocation, ensuring efficient use and availability for future services. Special ranges are reserved for new services or when existing ranges are depleted.

ITU-T Standards

North Macedonia adheres to the ITU-T E.164 standard, ensuring global telecom compatibility and interoperability.

Special Cases and Restrictions

  • Golden Numbers: Reserved for special use or high-value services.
  • Number Blocking: Certain ranges may be blocked or reserved for specific services or operators.

Technical Considerations for Developers

When handling phone numbers in North Macedonia:

  • Validation: Use the provided regular expressions for validation.
  • Formatting: Ensure correct international formats, especially for storage or transmission.
  • Portability: Account for number portability, affecting validation and routing logic.

For the latest telecommunications regulations and numbering plan updates in the Republic of North Macedonia, visit the Agency for Electronic Communications (AEK) website.